Monday, 19 December 2011

E X H I B I T I O N 5th-7th December.

A fabulous week of setting up, cleaning, adjusting and drinking. Level 5 group exhibitions allowed us to find our feet with the presentation of our practices in a group situation, the most rewarding aspect was working with a variety of artists and their practices...I found I learnt more about my methods and making through the presentation with others. The variation of art was both alluring and exciting, the mix between wall based photography and floor 3D work challenged the concept of the course and engaged a wide audience...My own work took on a completely different concept on the opening night that is going to give me lots to work with in the production of my ideas.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Seducer or Seducee?

A moment of clarity in an otherwise mind boggling degree, I have really enjoyed looking at the vast array of artists and their interpretation of the object. Laura Gonzales, a fabulous lecturer and artist who explores the seduction of objects with psychoanalysis in her practice.





her interests in the relation of our relationships with people in the world and objects, psychoanalysis investigations HOW and WHY we change our relationship towards an object. 

A functionally illegitamate piece of jewelery...her work makes us question the context of the object. What makes an object seductive and the viewer seduced? Obselete of function...well, it depends how brave the cosumer is willing to be. The matter of the fact is, the artist is not trying to sell the objects she is sculpting, more assesing our material relationship with the world and in how we cosume to express our own sexuality.