- Where to go from here
· Verify why I used which materials.
· Have a processes book that reflects the decisions concerning making
Marek Cecula
After visiting the Victoria and Albert Museum, I came into contact with alot of objects that had been crafted from the domestic environment. A broken cup would create an interesting juxtaposition. I have become interested in the transformation of the meaning behind the objects when the object, once it becomes broken it becomes lost between preservation and waste, reality and the unconcious. How do we interact with these objects, why are some ojects dismissed for their imperfection and others admired. We have become dictated by cosumerism, constantly tossing objects of no meaning or craft aside with from society.
- Tea cup
fragile, functional and recgonisable, i felt that this would register as a fragile object that we come into contact on a daily basis.
Working to a time schedule for our March shows means I will need to be clear with my idea. Working with clay and porcelian means i will need to have a suitable amount of time to sculpt, fire, glaze and decorate my object. Archipelgo Works is a gallery consisting of two rooms, homely in appearance I feel an object such as a tea cup/tea pot would sit nicely in the space and is a reasonable ask within the space of time.